Updated: September 16, 2022
At Tantra-Mayuraha Technologies we believe you should know what data we collect from you and how we use it.
We encourage all users of the Tantra-Mayuraha Technologies website to read our privacy policy in full. But here’s a quick rundown of the key themes in this policy.
Tantra-Mayuraha Technologies is technoloy and IT solutions provider. Our users need to login to our site or share their contact details with us to so that we deliver relevant content.
This information can come from you directly, such as through an ad, or a website comment. This information can also come from third parties (including advertisers) based on your browsing habits.
We use your behavior on the Tantra-Mayuraha Technologies website to serve you additional relevant content that you might help from.
You can control the information you give us. Tantra-Mayuraha Technologies does not track and/or store any personally identifiable information (PII) on non-U.S. and non-subscribed users.


This privacy policy exists to help you understand how information submitted will be treated when you log on to and/or use our website.
This privacy policy applies only to This policy does not apply to information collected through any other website or to the practices of companies that Tantra-Mayuraha Technologies does not control. Please note that our site may contain links to other websites. For example, if you click on an advertisement on Tantra-Mayuraha Technologies and link to another website, then this privacy policy will not apply to any information collected on that website. We are not responsible for the privacy practices of other websites, and we recommend that you read the privacy policies of each website that you visit.


The Tantra-Mayuraha Technologies website permits data collection for interest-based advertising. We and third parties may use cookies, web beacons or pixels, mobile ad identifiers, and other tracking technologies to facilitate site navigation, to better understand and improve our services, and to determine or improve the advertising shown to you on this website or elsewhere. We may use your information to facilitate the delivery
of targeted ads and promotions on behalf of ourselves and advertisers on this website. This information may be combined with information collected across different websites, online services, and other linked or associated devices.
We and third parties may use technologies called beacons or pixels that communicate information from your device to a server. Beacons can be embedded in online content, videos, and e-mails, and can allow a server to read certain types of information from your device, know when you have viewed particular content or a specific e-mail message, determine the time and date on which you viewed the beacon, and determine the IP address of your device. We and third parties use beacons for a variety of purposes, such as analyzing the use of our services and providing content and ads that are of greater relevance to you.


The information you provide directly to us:
You are not required to provide information directly to us in order to view Tantra-Mayuraha Technologies. However, when you use certain functions of the website, such as when you register for certain services, access certain content or features, or directly contact us, we may ask you to provide information, including:
contact information, such as name, email address, postal address, phone number, and mobile number;
username and password;
information posted in community discussions and other interactive online features;
search queries conducted on the Tantra-Mayuraha Technologies website; and
correspondence you send to us.
Information automatically collected when you visit and interact with the Tantra-Mayuraha Technologies website:
When you visit and interact with Tantra-Mayuraha Technologies, certain information may be collected automatically, including:
your computer’s Internet Protocol (IP) address;
your browser type and operating system;
the web pages you were visiting immediately before and after you came to the Site;
activities within community discussions;
web pages and advertisements that you view, and links that you click on;
your bandwidth speed and information about the software programs that are installed on your computer;
aggregated data about email click-through rates and user video viewing;
standard server log information; and
information collected through HTML cookies, Flash cookies, web beacons, and similar technologies.
Information we collect from other sources:
We may access information about you from third-party sources and platforms (such as social networking sites, databases, online marketing firms, and ad targeting firms), including:
if you access third-party social networking services (such as Facebook Connect or Twitter) through the Tantra-Mayuraha Technologies website, your username and connection lists for those services;
demographic data, such as age range, gender, and interests;
advertisement interaction and viewing data, such as ad click-through rates and information about how many times you viewed a particular ad and
unique identifiers, including mobile device identification numbers, that can identify the physical location of such devices in accordance with applicable law.
Please note that we may combine the information that we collect with information we obtain from third-party sources.


E-mail Communications:
We may use the information that we collect to send you e-mail communications,product or service updates, information about your account or changes to Tantra-Mayuraha Technologies,
and promotional messages about our own or our marketing partners’ products and services. If you signed up for one of our e-mail newsletters, we also will send you the newsletter that you requested.
In order to provide our clients with free access to our content, we may display advertisements on the Tantra-Mayuraha Technologies website, many of which are targeted based on information about you.
For example, using information collected through cookies, web beacons, and other sources, we may use demographic data or information about your online activities or interests to display
targeted advertising that may be relevant to your preferences. Through this process, advertisers reach Tantra-Mayuraha Technologies visitors who are most interested in their products,
and you see advertising for products or services in which you may be interested.
Third-party advertisers and advertising platforms also may serve targeted ads on the Tantra-Mayuraha Technologies website. Please remember that the information practices of third-party advertisers
or platforms collecting data on our site are not covered by this privacy policy.
User Accounts:
To provide you with an open, but also civil, discussion forum, we track user involvement in our community discussions. For example, we may delete comments per our comment-moderation guidelines in order to maintain civil and open discussions.
Request Fulfillment:
We may use the information that we collect to fulfill your requests for products, services, and information. For example, we may use your contact information to respond to your customer-service requests or to enable you to participate in features on the site such as surveys, polls, sweepstakes, and message boards.


Tantra-Mayuraha Technologies values your privacy, and shares information about our users only under certain circumstances. We will make information about you available to other companies, applications, or people in the circumstances listed below:
We may employ third parties to perform Tantra-Mayuraha Technologies-related services, including database management, maintenance services, analytics, marketing, data processing, and email and text message distribution. These third parties have access to your information only to perform these tasks on our behalf.
We may share information gathered from our subscribers with select third-party vendors who assist us and other parties with promoting and marketing products and analyzing data. This might include customer research, management of customer databases, promotional mailings or other targeted promotions. This information may include your name, address, or e-mail address. You may request at any time that we do not share your name, address, or other information with these third parties by e-mailing
If you choose to engage in public activities on the site, such as posting comments on community message boards, any information you submit can be read, collected, or used by others. Please exercise caution when deciding to disclose any personal information in public activities or submissions.
Please note that third parties may independently collect data about you, including your IP address and information about the websites you visit and the links you click, through cookies, clicks on links, or other means when you visit or view ads on the Tantra-Mayuraha Technologies website.


To customize your experience on the Tantra-Mayuraha Technologies website and to simplify our registration process, we provide you with the opportunity to access or interact with third-party services, such as Facebook and Twitter. When you connect to the site through these third-party services, we may share information about you with these third-party service providers and they may share data about you with us.
In addition, if you connect to a Facebook account, your experience on the site may be personalized. For example, you may automatically see what stories are popular in your network, and what your friends are saying about particular stories.
Please note that you may disconnect third-party accounts at any time.
Please remember that we do not control the privacy practices of third-party services. We encourage you to read the privacy policies of all third-party service providers.
Cookies and other technologies:
Cookies and other technologies, as well as third-party advertisers, may collect information about you.
Cookies: You can change your browser settings to reject all cookies, accept only certain cookies, or notify you when a cookie is set. Please note that you may need to renew these settings if you delete your cookies after these preferences are made. These settings also may not apply if you are using a different computer or Internet browser.


We limit access to contact information about you to employees or service providers who we believe reasonably need to come into contact with that information to provide products or services to you or in order to do their jobs. We also have adopted commercially reasonable technical, physical, and administrative procedures to help protect information about you from loss, misuse, and alteration.
Please note that no data transmission or storage can be guaranteed to be 100 percent secure. We want you to feel confident using the Tantra-Mayuraha Technologies website, but we cannot ensure or warrant the security of any information you transmit to us.


We may update this privacy policy at any time to reflect changes in our practices and service offerings. We will notify you of any material changes in the way we treat your information by placing a prominent notice on our site or sending a notice to the primary e-mail address specified in your account.